Steam Depot Enterprises, LLC

Heat-Timer Temperature Sensor 3-in-1

Heat-Timer Temperature Sensor 3-in-1
    Heat-Timer 3-in-1 sensor is versatile as it can be utilized in a variety of applications. The same sensor can be installed as an outdoor sensor, an immersion sensor in a well, or a strap-on sensor to a steam pipe. It comes complete with -30°F. to 250°F. temperature sensor, Sensor Enclosure, Outdoor Enclosure Sealing label, and a tie-wrap.

    * Enclosure is designed for the extremes. It will withstand Outdoor weather conditions as well as can be installed on a hot water pipe.

    * Compatible with NPT wells when used as an immersion sensor.

    * SKU: 904220-00

      O&M Manual
    Well (3/8" x 1/2"NPT)
In stock
Price: $67.50
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